10 Easy Ways To Eliminate Dust In Your Home

10 Easy Ways To Eliminate Dust In Your Home

How do I reduce dust in my house? This is a query we hear from homeowners all the time. Dust is a regular source of annoyance in our homes. No sooner have we cleaned it, it seems to settle again. But don’t worry. There are steps you can take within your regular home cleaning routine to reduce the amount of dust in your home.

Here we take a look at some of the most effective dust elimination methods, why it matters, and how dust happens in the first place. Let’s take a look at the top ten ways to eliminate dust in your home!

1. Clean from top to bottom

You may be cleaning your house regularly, but are you doing it correctly? If you want to eliminate as much dust as possible, you need to clean from top to bottom. This means starting at the highest point — such as the tops of your kitchen cabinets or wardrobes, and working down to the floor. You should mop or vacuum the floors last, to catch any dust that may have fallen to the floor from higher surfaces.

2. Vacuum regularly

Whether you have wooden floors, tiles or wall-to-wall carpets, they all need vacuuming to keep them clean and dust-free. This is a task you should ideally find time for every day — twice or three times a week at the absolute minimum, depending on how many people share your home.

For best results, invest in a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter (high-efficiency particulate air filter). This traps dust particles and allergens inside the cleaner, preventing them from spreading around your home.

3. Buy a good doormat

Many of the most dangerous dust particles are brought into our homes from the outdoor environment. To minimise this, you should purchase a good doormat with stiff bristles. Insist everyone uses it, even guests, and operate a “no shoes” policy inside the home, ensuring everyone leaves their shoes at the door. This should even apply to the kids — there’s no harm in getting them started early when it comes to banishing dust and keeping clean. 

4. Keep your bed clean

Beds are one of the spots in the home where dust gathers the most. Failing to keep your bed clean will cause an increase in house dust and even unsavoury visitors, such as dust mites. If you don’t want this to happen, you need to wash and change your bed linen once a week — yes, every week. While the covers are off, give your mattress a thorough vacuum to remove any dust before putting the new sheets on.

You should also think about washing your pillows. Most synthetic pillows can safely go in the washing machine.

5. Declutter

Even if you have a really tidy home, you need to take a look at the number of knick-knacks and personal treasures you have on display. Every single surface provides a place for more dust to gather. If possible, have a clear-out or store some of your objects away. You can rotate them seasonally, so you’re constantly creating a fresh vibe in every room. This will keep your home feeling vibrant and also cut down on the problem of dust. It will make your house a lot quicker to clean, too, giving you more time to spend relaxing in a freshened-up environment.

6. Ramp up your storage

Good storage is essential in any home, as we all have more things than we have room for! However, it is even more important when it comes to keeping dust at bay. Books, magazines and papers attract dust, so they need to be stored tidily, either in closed cupboards or in places where they can easily be wiped clean.

You also need the right storage for your clothes and linens, as these are major causes of dust in the home. Open wardrobes are not a good idea! Ideally, everything should be stored in closed cupboards or containers where the dust can’t spread.

7. Don’t forget your window treatments

Curtains and blinds often get neglected when it comes to your regular home cleaning, but they can be major dust attractors. Luckily, they’re often pretty easy to clean. Venetian or roller blinds can be wiped clean with a damp microfibre cloth, while fabric blinds and curtains can be vacuumed. It doesn’t take long, and it can give you a major edge in the battle against dust.

8. Keep your pets groomed

Pet fur and dander are major contributors to household dust. To cut down on this, make sure your furry friends are washed and brushed regularly. It’s a good idea to do this in the bathroom so the dust won’t spread to any soft furnishings. You’ll notice the difference — and your pets will thank you for it, as they will be much more comfortable.

9. Invest in an air purifier

If dust is a particular problem in your home, or if you suffer from allergies, an air purifier is a great investment. These devices filter out dirt and dust particles from the air, making your home a cleaner, healthier and more pleasant place to live.

10. Call in the professionals

Even if you are a great cleaner, you probably don’t have access to the equipment or know all the techniques that professional cleaners use. At Jim’s Cleaning, we offer a wide variety of home cleaning services throughout NZ. We’re highly trained and experienced, and we have all the right tools for the job. We’ll eliminate dust from your home quickly and effectively.

Find out more about home cleaning in NZ

Reducing dust in your home is essential for you to enjoy the best possible quality of life. If you want to find out more about our home cleaning services at Jim’s Cleaning, please contact us to request a quote. We’re always happy to help.


Where is all the dust coming from in my house?

We all have dust in our homes. This is because the home is an ideal environment for dust in many ways. Firstly, it’s simply because we live there. Dust is made up of an extensive combination of substances, but these include human skin cells, pet dander, and tiny dirt particles. Our own bodies, as well as our pets, are major contributors to the dust in our homes. In addition, dropped food particles can often go unnoticed, contributing to the dust in our homes as they break down.

But these things alone are not enough to cause a major dust problem. So, what causes most of the dust in your house? Some of the particles that make up dust are brought into our homes from outside. These can include environmental factors such as pollen, soil, sand and even dirt from car exhausts. We unwittingly bring these things into our homes, and they settle in our soft furnishings — sofas, bed mattresses, and curtains are ideal homes for these annoying particles.

This is why one of the most common questions we get asked is, “Why is my bedroom so dusty?” Of all the rooms in the home, the bedroom is the place where dust is most likely to gather. This is because bedrooms tend to be furnished more softly and lavishly. You are more likely to have heavy curtains in a bedroom, as well as wall-to-wall carpet or a plush rug — not to mention your bed linen and mattress. A bedroom is a haven for dust, which can really kill the peaceful ambience.

In addition, your home itself may be responsible for some of the dust buildup. Issues like damp and mould can release spores, which contribute to household dust. Dead insects and insect droppings also play their part — this is something none of us likes to think about! Basically, dust is made from too many things to mention. The important part is understanding why and how to get rid of it.

Why is it important to remove dust in my house?

Nobody likes a dusty home. Dust makes your living space look uncared for, and it can be a source of embarrassment if you have guests over. But are there bigger reasons to remove the dust from your home? Is house dust harmful?

House dust can be a cause of allergies. If you or someone you live with has asthma, hay fever or breathing problems, dust is likely to make your life more uncomfortable. Research also suggests that dust can carry viruses, possibly exposing you to them. Some of the substances that are brought in from outside and contribute to the dust in our homes can also potentially be hazardous. For all these reasons, regular home cleaning either by you or professional cleaning services is essential so you can minimise the amount of dust in your home.

Does opening windows reduce dust?

You would think that a regular supply of fresh air from an open window would reduce the dust in your home. However, this is not the case. Only one-third of dust originates in your home — the rest comes in from outside. Opening the windows creates an airflow that lets all those outside particles — including pollen and chemicals — to blow into your home. While opening your windows has a lot of other benefits for your health and wellbeing, it won’t reduce the amount of dust in your home. In fact, it is more likely to increase it!